Woah! A blog? … a new blog post?! what is happening?
hahahah I know, I forgot about this, not going to lie, just be real with all of you about this. With all that has been going on in the world with this Covid-19 stuff photography, blogging, leaving the house has really taken a dump. So you might be asking yourself, just like I am.. what now? what happens with Kevin Vyse Photography? what happens with photography in General? to be honest with you… I’m not sure.
2020 was a rough year, we lost the entire Festival season in music, Lost the ability to meet with people over the summer and book shoots, all the good weather passed and we ended up in Fall, things opened up a bit but sadly I did not receive any bookings.. and seeing as how I told you I was going to be 100% transparent, I didn’t mind.. it was nice having a break, no stress just shooting things I wanted to shoot for myself. Most photographers want to book a year a head to ensure they have the income to make ends meet… but things are much different now.. will we be able to book? or if we book will we be able to shoot? it’s very very stressful booking then having to reschedule everything. I have one wedding on the books for Sept.. that one wedding is all i’m taking in regards to weddings because I don’t do them anymore ( this is a very good friends weddings that’s why I said yes to it), but is it going to happen? can it happen? as of right now, no!
What will Kevin Vyse be doing for 2021? …. honestly, 2021 is up in the air. As of right now i’m not taking anything on.. simply because I can’t and I don’t want to put myself into the stressful situation of taking bookings this far ahead for the summer months then our Government saying it can’t happen and me having to contact all those people who booked and try to answer their questions on rescheduling and what the rules are, trying to rebook with my busy full time job schedule which is pretty much everyday but Sunday so then everyone is fighting to try and book for a Sunday… it’s a head ache, so for now.. I’m not booking.
Where is Kevin Vyse’s mindset on shoots for 2021? : 2021 is going to be a lot different… over the years I’ve shot many different things, weddings, products, landscapes, portraits, bands, live music etc…. Over all these years and many different shoots I’ve learnt what I love to shoot, what I can shoot, and what I don’t want to shoot. 2021 will be filled with what makes me happy, sounds selfish I know… but let me put it this way… If I shoot what makes me happy, stuff I really think is awesome to shoot, stuff I have fun shooting, I feel comfortable shooting, then the people I book get the best and most creative work I can put forward with the level of skills I have in my back pocket at this time. Concerts, definitely… along with concerts comes Bands portraits, Single release images, band album artwork, and live shots… 100% top of my list.. this is where i started in photography and my love for it never stopped. Portraits to some extent will also be a go.. headshots, environmental portraits… that’s something I’ve always loved and what I consider to be my “niche” .. the lighting aspect is right up my alley… biggest issue is not having a studio but it can all be done in your home, maybe my new apartment once it’s built or even outdoors on location…. Landscapes is 100% no doubt in my mind happening.. this is maybe my second biggest love to concerts… you’re just out there in nature seeing what you see and capturing it the best way you know how.. no posing, no stress/pressure, no judgement.. just pure freedom… only issue is, for me… travel is required… I’m not stimulated by Ontario… don’t get me wrong.. it’s nice, the North is beauty but once I went out west ( BC and Alberta) and I went to Iceland… Ontario is pretty dry to my eye. Right now we can’t travel.. or shouldn’t and with 14 day quarantine involved that eats up my vacation time from work and therefore wrecks that aspect of things.
What has Kevin Vyse been up to seeing as how he can’t photograph the usual stufff?: DRONING!!!!! Yes, that’s right… for a few years I’ve had the Mavic Air and I never used it…. hahah why would I spend that much money on something and never use it… simple answer… I was afraid to fly the damn thing… it’s a lot of money to throw up into the air and try not to crash. Over the last couple months I’ve had time to get out there, get comfortable with flying it and after educating myself on the best ways to set up the cameras and how to get the best RAW shots out of it I’ve been using it quite a bit to get some new perspective kind of shots and I love it! the top down perspective of it all adds a whole new world to photography which I’m in love with right now. I’ve changed my Instagram Grid up with these shots.. working on my “Winter Grid” right now obviously as we’re in Winter.. lots of blues, whites with hints of some other small colours. Mavic Air will be worked into my Instagram Grid from now on trying to focus on seasonal colours and influences.
So hope this helps explain some things.. more of a central love of photography for this year.. taking on clients work that I feel i’d love to shoot, turning down others and I will try to direct those clients to Other photographers who I know specialize in what they are looking for and who I believe will give them the best results which also helps out my other photography friends!
Hope everyone stays safe, healthy and happy! wash your hands, wear your masks.. get the vaccine if you want… lets get everything back to normal so we can all continue on our lives, not sitting here wasting it away one day at a time. <3
For now.. here’s some of the new’er images I’ve been creating: