Helicopters, Fighter Jets, Vintage Airplanes, Paratroopers, Gliders and vendors, the 2016 Great Lakes International Air Show was fantastic! With a clear sky, a scorching sun and a very small breeze, the Snowbirds took to the skies to open the show. Screaming in from the left, right, front and back, not knowing where they will be coming from next or how many of them there will be, the snowbirds never disappoint! As an air show veteran, it was nice to see a few new maneuvers in their routine.
This year there was everything from a transport truck that had a jet engine on the back of it shooting a gigantic flame out the back and making large clouds of smoke, to a glider. A C-130 Hercules flew in from 8 Wing Trenton Airforce Base, made a few passes, dropped some WDI ( Wind Direction Indicators ) then two SAR Techs leaped out the back, with parachutes of course. Once on the ground the C-130 made a pass, landed to show how quick it can stop, turned around and picked up the SAR Techs, then took off to show how little room it needs to take off. They were on duty so, so they could not stick around, but when they left they did one more high speed pass before they left the air space.
Another crazy display, which I've never seen before at an air show was the car drop... Yep, I said car drop! A helicopter came out with a long cable hanging from the bottom of it and on the end of that cable was a white car. The announcers played it up like it was a car that parked in a no parking zone so the OPP came up with a way to get it out of the way... thats when they brought it out. Once nice and high in the air, they decided to "put the car down " ... and put it down they did. The cable cut loose and the car fell for what seemed like quite a while until BOOOM!!!!! a big cloud of smoke and bits and piece of car went flying!
Two favourites at the show were the F-18, Of course, and Pete Mcleod, A Red Bull Racer/stunt pilot who is the youngest race pilot in the history of racing ( I believe ). The F-18 Demo Jet ripped the skies hitting 1000km per hour just screaming by, you could feel it in your chest. With it's high altitude capabilities, it's quick high G turns, rolls, flips it's always an amazing sight.. My fav by far.
Pete Mcleod, wow... this guy is insane! The things he does with this plane are mind blowing. Flips and rolls like nothing else.. things that make the plane look like it should just fall apart, or things a plane should never do. Climbing so high the engine stalls out, the tumbling uncontrollably back down to earth, Pete then regains control, powers full throttle using the earths gravity and the power of the engine, he gathers up a ton of speed to push him through the next series of flips and turns.
Over all, it was an amazing day! The heat was intense 34ºC, no clouds and barely a breeze.. people were passing out, the EMT's had their hands full. Did I get burnt.. Oh yeah, I suffered heat stroke.. did I drink a ton of water.. sure did... did people have an amazing time.. you bet.. was it worth it.. HELL YES!!!! always is. Next up is the London Air Show in London Ontario, Canada.. cannot wait for that in September.. This year the F-22 Raptor will be there.. my dream plane.
- Shutter Click.
Joe Pember Jr. Final Goodbye
They work long hours, holidays, weekends and always put themselves first using their advanced knowledge to save lives everyday. Today in Oxford County was a sad day as the residence and EMS personnel mourn the passing of EMS Chief Joe Pember Jr.
Emergency Service personnel (EMS, Fire, Police, Flight Medics) from far and wide came to Woodstock Ontario to show their support and pay respects to Joe Pember Jr and his family. Joe's sudden passing shocked many in Oxford, gone to soon but never forgotten.
Lights flashed, bag pipes played and a sea of emergency service members marched down the road from the TA Truck Stop to GOFF HALL as people gathered to mourn Joe's passing.
Joe arrived in an old Ambulance from the 60's which was used back then and resembles the "Ghost buster car " as many people call it. Along side the Ambulance were Woodstock EMS members marching, following them was Joe's family and friends and behind them was a sea of Emergency Service members all marching in formation. Service flashes from Hamilton, London, Brant County and many more... it was an amazing sight to see. Once at GOFF HALL Joe was brought into the hall by fellow EMS where the ceremony took place.
Outside, after the ceremony... EMS, Police and fire lined the GOFF HALL entrance/exit driveway and saluted Joe as the hearse passed them by showing ultimate respect and honour for his years of service. A low rwaring, buzz was heard off in the distance which got louder and louder. To everyones surprise, the WWII Harvards came flying over head, so fitting for the occasion. 3 passes were made and on the final pass, with smoke on, the fallen man was performed. The fallen man is when three or more planes come in formation and one splits away from the rest to signify " the fallen man ". This ceremony was very well done, well deserved and Joe will be greatly missed in Oxford County.
I am constantly keeping Joe and his family in my thoughts. R.I.P Joe.
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