My home town of Woodstock Ontario is small, and the people of colour community is smaller, but their voice was/is loud, along with the communities voice, were definitely heard!
While walking to Victoria Park, ( Where the silent protest was held) people from all directions were walking up the streets, signs in hand, in good spirits, and ready to support and stand tall for people of colour, not just in Woodstock but everywhere. Change needs to be made, it should have been changed decades ago.
As everyone came together in the park you could feel the positive energy, people kept coming and coming.. I was honestly very blown away at the amount of people that showed up, so proud of our community. To see so many people come together in harmony for such and important cause, to see everyone in solidarity, all one voice no matter what your background is, it was incredibly up-lifting.
It’s very comforting to see that Woodstock is a place where everyone can come together, there is a lot of support, does that mean racism doesn’t happen here? I wish that were the case. This protest was calm, as I knew it would be.. the message was heard, and heard loud.. not only heard but also very visible. Signs held high, Chants of change, Speeches, taking a knee for a moment of silence, A song sang, and a March around the park to make presence known and get the word out.. it was moving. One of the biggest impacts, for me anyways.. eye opening, was when one of the event organizers, Jessica, had everyone raise their hand, all 5 fingers out. She then said “ Put a finger down if you…… “ and read off a list of the negative experiences people of colour endure on a regular basis .. example: put a finger down if you have been picked on or bullied for the colour of your skin …. by the time she read off 5 things on that list, she then asked everyone to look around at everyones hands… then asked if anyone still thought we were all treated equally …. it was very apparent that we are NOT!
Another great part of this protest, was Woodstock police department. Woodstock Police were there in numbers and they stood with everyone, not against, there was only one person that needed to be delt with, and for good reason… but we’re not going to focus on him.. he needs help.. a lot of help and was deflected quickly by the crowd then by the police in a peaceful way.
Walking around through the crowd, taking pictures of people, seeing how moved everyone was, how passionate everyone was about this.. hearing the speeches.. it was all so positive.. very “one heart, one mind” and I sincerely hope that these protests bring change!
Jessica and Hannah, you put together something amazing. You called out, and people answered the call, the call for change.. this was historic for change and for the our home town of Woodstock.
Horses, Bulls, Dirt, Dust, Tractors, Barrels, Men, Women and a WHOLE LOT OF ACTION!!!
RAM RODEO is an amazing event that is action packed with a bunch of tough men and women who put themselves on the backs of horses and bulls which throw them around like rag dolls. Not only Branco Riding and Bull Riding, but they also have a Stunt Rider our of New York, and Flag Riding Team.. there’s a lot going on.
With events like Barrel Racing, Poles, Bucking Branco’s, and Bull Riding there’s something for everyone. Personally, Bull Riding is my favourite .. the aggressiveness of the bulls and the power makes it crazy to photograph but really.. all of it is fun to shoot. Yesterday was a good mix of sun and cloud, wasn’t to hot but the dust was relentless .. normally they water the riding area, but it was so dry every time they watered it the sun would dry it up in minutes, so instead of wasting the water we just went with the dust.. I was covered but it was so fun. Some of these riders were thrown down hard, stepped on by the bulls and branco’s, got up like it was nothing and will ride another day.. just blows my mind. If the Ram Rodeo Tour is coming your way, do yourself a favour and get a ticket.. take the kids.. they will love it!
The scream of a CF-18 Fighter Jet sneaking up on you from behind just under the speed of sound is one of the best sounds I've ever heard.
Today was the Tillsonburg ON. AirShow, which is a small show, but it's a great show. There really isn't much of a ground display like you normally see at air shows, and there are only two acts: The F-18 and the Canadian Snowbirds. Due to it being a small show, the planes really push the limits, which makes it that much better, plus it was soooo hot out and a shorter show really saved a lot of people.
The F-18 came busting out just under the speed of sound from behind the crowd, and flew directly over us nice and low screaming like nothing you've heard before, it was amazing. Due to it also being fathers day, we got a little bit of a longer show than normal as the F-18 Pilot radioed in to get permission to do two extra fly by's at the end of his time slot, which was a treat!
Half hour after the F-18 left, the snowbirds fired up and taxied out. I was fortunate enough to be in Photo Alley, which was so close to where the snowbirds were parked. And by close I mean close.. about 20 feet. When they fired up their engines, the heat was insane, the noise was better than any live rock show and the smell of jet fuel smelt amazing. You know you're close when people are leaning forward to keep standing and peoples hats are flying off as they turn their heads away hahahha so awesome!
here's some of the images i've worked on so far from the day.. more may be added, so please, follow my blog to get updates on this even and on future shoots. Thank you for checking me out, feel free to leave comments. - Shutter Click.
© Kevin Vyse Photography
All rights reserved 2014
F-18 Hornet comes flying straight over head just under the speed of sound
F-18 does a high speed pass in front of the crowd, nice and low.
Snowbirds climb high into the sky, turn on the smoke and flip over backwards
Snowbirds Pilot puts his parachute on after giving it a check over
getting ready to taxi out, Pilot and ground crew member communicate with hand signals.
Snowbirds taxi out after all checks have been done. Let the show begin!
Panning the camera with a slow shutter speed as the snowbirds take off to the skies
F-18 fly's by the crowd doing whats called the " top side pass " showing off the top of the plane and the 2014 paint scheme.
As the F-18 starts into a steep climb, vapour forms and fly's off his wings
Cowapolooza: THE MUSIC Pt. 2
Hope you had a chance to check out Part 1 of this blog which was focused on the first band of the night: AFTER THE LOUNGE. They are an amazing rock band!
Part 2 is all about THUNDERSTRUCK! Canada's best AC/DC cover band. Apparently they had played cowapolooza about 4 years about, but honestly, I didn't attend any of the Cowapolooza festivals until 2 years ago so I missed out, and I'm pretty bummed out that I didn't go earlier because i've been missing out. THUNDERSTRUCK is simply outstanding! They look the part and definitely do AC/DC justice. I've always wanted to see AC/DC live, but now they don't tour anymore.. well, accept in Australia but I don't have any plans on going there .. yet. Thunderstruck just blew my mind with how dead on they are with their covers, their outfits and their stage presents!
If you ever get the chance to see these guys play in a city, town, village near you, GO!!!! If you love AC/DC then you will love Thunderstruck because they are the next best thing.
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
All rights reserved 2013
© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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© Kevin Vyse Photography
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